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Results 11-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Model for Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in Channel with Porous MediaBOUARNOUNA, Kaoutar; BOUTRA, Abdelkader; RAGUI, Karim; LABSI, Nabila; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled
2023-07Rotating Machines Health Monitoring Based on Time Reversal Method: Application to Bearings Defects LocalisationCHATERBACHE, Omar; MILOUDI, Abdelhamid
2017Lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection in cubical enclosures for Bingham plastic fluidBOUTRA, Abdelkader; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled; AMEZIANI, Djamel Eddine; BENNACER, Rachid
2017Heat and mass transfer into a porous annulus found between two horizontal concentric circular cylindersRAGUI, Karim; BOUTRA, Abdelkader; BENNACER, Rachid; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled
2016Simultaneous hydrodynamic and thermal flow development of a thermodependent viscoplastic fluidLABSI, Nabila; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled; BOUTRA, Abdelkader; Brunier, E
2016Natural Convection Heat Transfer of a Nanofluid into a Cubical Enclosure: Lattice Boltzmann InvestigationBOUTRA, Abdelkader; RAGUI, Karim; LABSI, Nabila; BENNACER, Rachid; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled
2016Three-dimensional fluid flow simulation into a rectangular channel with partitions using the lattice-Boltzmann methodBOUTRA, Abdelkader; RAGUI, Karim; BENNACER, Rachid; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled
2017Temperature-dependent shear-thinning Herschel–Bulkley fluid flow by taking into account viscous dissipationLABSI, Nabila; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled; BOUTRA, Abdelkader
2015Natural convection heat transfer in a differentially heated enclosure with adiabatic partitions and filled with a Bingham fluidRAGUI, Karim; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled; LABSI, Nabila; BOUTRA, Abdelkader
2013Thermal characterization of the casson fluid flow in a circular pipe by considering viscous dissipationBERABOU, Welid; BENKAHLA, Youb Khaled; BOUTRA, Abdelkader; LABSI, Nabila