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Title: Data Mining to Enhance Reliability of Industrial Systems
Other Titles: A Comprehensive Approach to Predictive Maintenance and Performance Optimization
Authors: HIRECHE, Zoulikha
REZGUI, Wail (Directeur de thèse)
Keywords: Predictive Maintenance
Data Mining
KNN regressor
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: ENSTA
Abstract: This project aims to enhance the reliability and optimize the performance of industrial systems through data mining and predictive maintenance. By analyzing and understanding the sensor data and then utilizing regression algorithms, a KNN regressor model is trained to predict future values. These forecasts are subsequently integrated into the predictive maintenance strategy to facilitate the prevention of failures, reduce downtime, and improve operational efficiency. This project will showcase the efficacy of this approach through a comprehensive case study conducted at IRIS-Tyres for the Quintoplex machine.
Description: Projet de fin d’étude d'ingeniorat: Management et ingénierie de la maintenance industrielle : Alger: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Technologie Avancées(ex ENST): 2024
Appears in Collections:ING- Génie Industriel (Management et Ingénierie de la Maintenance Industrielle)

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