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Title: Beyond Traditional Methods: Data Mining for Next-Generation Reliability Assessment
Authors: HIRECHE, Zoulikha
REZGUI, Wail (Directeur de thèse)
Keywords: Data Mining
Reliability Assessment
Maintenance Management
Predictive Analytics
Machine Learning
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: ENSTA
Abstract: The advent of Industry 4.0, marked by intricate machinery and systems, has brought to the fore an urgent need for robust reliability assessment methods. These methods are crucial to ensure the uninterrupted performance of industrial systems. While traditional techniques have been the go-to for reliability assessment, they often fall short of capturing the wealth of data that modern systems generate. This study explores the potential of data mining to enhance reliability assessment in industrial settings. Data mining offers powerful tools to discover hidden patterns and insights within this data. Unlike traditional methods, data mining can uncover these patterns without preconceived assumptions, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of system behavior. By leveraging these techniques, the goal is to enhance the reliability of industrial systems by uncovering hidden insights and patterns.
Description: Master: Programme Complémentaire d'Ingéniorat: Management et ingénierie de la maintenance industrielle : Alger: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Technologie Avancées(ex ENST): 2024
Appears in Collections:ART- Génie Industriel ( Management et Ingénierie de la Maintenance Industrielle)

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